woman seated at beach

Crush Meditation Resistance with Easy Beginner Tips and Get Started Today!

Featured Image: Photo by Max on Unsplash

Overcoming resistance, mindset approach, and recommendations.


Like many of us, I was once resistant to meditation. Despite the numerous testimonials, my opposition prevented me from giving meditation another chance after repeated failures. 

Overcoming our resistance could be the push to be open to an experience that can benefit us. The initial step is often the hardest, as our inner voice frequently convinces us that we’re incapable. 

Thoughts like, “I don’t have time,” “My mind doesn’t stop,” or “I won’t do it right” can prevent us from even trying. In challenging our deterrents, we discover we can do it. 

Reshape Limiting Beliefs 

  • “I don’t have time.” → “I will meditate for 1 minute.” 

 The length of time we meditate is up to us. It can be as short or long as we choose. When starting, prioritize repetition over length. 

  • “My mind doesn’t stop.” → “It is natural for thoughts to come. I have the choice to engage in those thoughts or not.” 

As a beginner, quieting the mind won’t be instantaneous. What is more valuable in the beginning is getting comfortable detaching and observing our thoughts. Practice teaches us to let go of our thoughts, leading to a quieter mind. In time, letting go of thoughts without judgment or engagement can minimize the internal conflict that often arises when we approach meditation intending to silence our minds.

  • “I won’t meditate right.” → “I determine the meditation that best suits me.”  

Meditation is a tool from which we can benefit. We can customize it for ourselves. There is no correct or incorrect approach to meditation. You determine how you meditate, the techniques, and the length of the sessions. There are several variations of meditation, which you can explore to find which is best for you. This freedom and flexibility in meditation will benefit your personal goals. 

Getting Started With Mindset

I benefited significantly from meditation, though it required me to overcome resistance and be open to it. The first sessions were uncomfortable, and I fell into an internal conflict loop of the mind. But as I persisted, I started to notice changes. I became more focused, less reactive, and more at peace with myself. It took time to become comfortable meditating, but repetition brought a lot of positivity into my life.

Meditation can be life-changing through practice. A beneficial approach is to start with an open mind and no expectations. Thoughts will come and go, and that is perfectly okay. Until you’ve become comfortable meditating, going in without expectations will help you have a more positive experience. Most importantly, remember that meditation is a tool meant to benefit you. You can tailor meditation to work for you. If visualizing, counting, or anything else doesn’t feel suitable for you, then go ahead and disregard that part of the practice. 

Mindfulness: An Alternative 

If you’re not interested in meditation, mindfulness is another beneficial practice. While meditation often involves sitting quietly and focusing inward, mindfulness brings your full attention to the present moment. You can integrate mindfulness practices with everyday tasks, like walking, taking a shower, cleaning, and focusing on what you’re doing in detail. When I don’t want to meditate but want to be more mindful of the present moment, I practice mindfulness. 


To get started, I’ve included two resources I used to help me begin my journey. 

I have no affiliation with either HeadSpace or Jason Stephenson. I recommend these per my experience. 

  • Headspace

The app Headspace is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play.

It offers a variety of guided meditations, from short 1-minute sessions to longer ones for specific purposes like sleep or stress relief. I found the guided meditations particularly helpful when I first started meditating. The app is a subscription, though there are multiple free trials available. I don’t benefit from anything other than sharing the benefits with you through this 30-day guest pass. The guest pass will only be available to you if you still need to become an active subscriber to Headspace. It does require a sign-up if you are new, but you can cancel immediately and still benefit from the free trial. 

Meditating before sleep helps me get a good night’s sleep; as we get closer to sleep, we have easier access to our subconscious minds. Jason Stephenson offers a range of free guided sleep meditations on his YouTube channel. His YouTube channel has a range of sleep meditation music, guided meditations, visualizations, affirmations, and more. 

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